
Flip the Box

These past weeks of the new year I’ve felt such a deep wanting to look at what I have with perspective. To see what I have in a way that I’m not seeing.  You know the whole glass full, glass empty concept.  We have areas that my husband and I are believing to see change… Continue reading Flip the Box


Science Behind Exercising the ‘Muffin Top’ Away

I will get right to it because if you are like me I would want the answer right IN MY FACE then having to read all the facts. Many women experiencing perimenopausal weight gain increase their frequency and duration of exercise in an attempt to ‘out run’ middle-age spread, The Muffin Top. However in increasing… Continue reading Science Behind Exercising the ‘Muffin Top’ Away


You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me. 

Then things got inexplicably worse. It was too much. Coming too fast. The perfect storm.  I don’t know you about you but I can relate to the sense of feeling “it coming”. The rage, the sadness or even the sense of not wanting to deal with anything. Just like Lysa expresses, the question of didn’t… Continue reading You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.