
Start where you are at. 

I love this picture taken on Saturday at the Negley 5k. We went from watching Bobby and my dad run it three years ago to all of us running. You don’t have to be a runner to start!! This has been a three year journey that is still in progress.
So many of us are inspired by those reaching fitness goals yet we do not put action to that motivation. Let me encourage you to, yes cliche, just do it! Break down your goal into sections that you can reach. Have a long term goal yet reach it with short term goals. It takes work but that work is rewarding. I am motivated to keep going after the high of seeing that I did it, that I reached my goal.
I also have had tears because I felt like I failed but something within me would not let me give up. Trust me you will find yourself doubting but you have to write the words “I can do it or I will” on your mirror or somewhere you see daily. Talk to yourself with words of encouragement. Let us tell ourselves that we can and we will reach our goals.
Why? Because we have a motivator inside of us who gives us strength. We are built to overcome so why not become overcomers rather then not trying or giving up? God said he is with us so who can be against us? We ourselves cannot be against ourselves! Start today with what you have. Is it a 15 minute walk or a 22 minute workout video at home. Whatever it is start! I cannot believe that three years have now passed since I set the goal to run with Bobby. What will you be doing in three years that you can say I did it?!
 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
I John 4:4

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